Ningbo ASK Automotive Sound and Communication Co.,Ltd. was founded in April, 2006 in Ningbo, one of the oldest cities in China, on the East China Sea with one of the largest ports in China.
ASK Ningbo is ASK’s general heaquarters in the Far East.
After 17 years of continuous development and expansion, ASK Ningbo has become the Group’s production reference point for the for automotive audio products. Engineering autonomy, recognized image of the brand, capilary organization and a rigorous management and control are ASK Ningbo’s strong points.
ASK has bought new buildings for their new Asian-Pacific general headquarters, testifying to the stratigic importance growing in the local automotive market.
Internal and external engineering at the new headquarters is inspired by ASK products, demonstrating the incessant research in excellence, technology innovation, attention to detail and quality as well as the creation of a relaxing, reliable and human-centric atmosphere.