ask locations


Italian touch - Global Vision

ASK’s general headquarters are in Italy and has facilities in Europe (Germany, Poland), North Africa (Tunisia), Asia (China), North America (USA + Mexico) and South America (Brasil). Thanks to our research and development centers and factories throughout the world, we work in close contact with automobile manufacturers during the engineering, design and production of products we produce for them

All ASK locations are certified according to the present sector standards.

General Headquarters of ASK and speaker expertise center

Monte San Vito, in the heart of the Marche, is our legal headquarters. More than our management seat, it is also the home of ASK’s speaker sector.

This site encompasses a rich team of engineers that create, test and certify ASK speakers.

Monte San Vito is modern and hospitable and inspires creativity and collaboration in line with our mission to promote innovation and continuous growth.


  • Speaker, subwoofer and loudspeaker engineering
  • OEM audio applications developement
  • Speaker, subwoofer and loudspeaker production
  • Audio Systems Product Management
  • Quality
  • Purchasing
  • Management and Control


  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 9001
  • IATF 16949
  • TISAX Label

ASK Industries S.p.A.

Via dell'Industria, 12, I-60037 Monte San Vito (AN), Italy

Tel: +39 071 74521 - Fax: +39 071 7452400

Fiscal code: IT 00091200428 - DUNS Number: 428986491

Center for antennas, cables and an ANM platform

Reggio Emilia. The place where we were founded and continue to regenerate every day.

The Reggio Emilia location is in the Reggiane Innovation Park, a European pole and fulcrum of new, local economic development model, based on the economy of know-how.

“Reggio Emilia is in the heart of the Italian Motor Valley and Food Valley, with and intelligent and sustainable ib a human scale.”

Research hub, innovation and technology, this is were ideas are born and where ASK products evolve into our mission of excellence in the automotive sector. Reggio Emilia is the governance headquarters of ASK housing 75% of Management.


  • Antenna and cable engineering
  • Antenna and Cable Product Management
  • Audio amplifier engineering
  • Quality
  • Sales and Customer Logistics
  • Purchasing
  • IT and communication technology comunicazione


  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • TISAX Label

ASK Industries S.p.A.

c/o Parco Innovazione#18 - Viale B. Ramazzini 39/F 42124 Reggio Emilia, Italy

Tel: +39 0522 500900 - Fax: +39 0522 1820143

Fiscal code: IT 00091200428 - DUNS Number: 440395579

Center for audio amplifiers

The opening of our location in Niederwinkling, Bavaria, Germany is one of the milestones in our history.

Founded in 2000, surrounded by an area rich with tradition, modernity and efficiency, it has housed our sound engineering team for more than 20 years.

This team, with proven experience in the sector, constantly revolutionizes the world of sound while respecting the highest standards of quality and reliability.


  • Audio amplifiers (hardware and software) engineering
  • Audio Systems Product Management
  • Quality
  • Sales
  • Purchasing


  • ISO 9001
  • TISAX Label

ASK Industries GmbH

Hauptstr. 73, D-94559 Niederwinkling, Deutschland

Tel: +49 (09962) 2003-0 - Fax: +49 (09962) 2003-79

Fiscal code: DE811885819 - DUNS Number: 314206553

Center for speaker, antenna and cable production and ANM platform

Located in one of the main industrial centers of Silesian Voivodeship, the two factories in Bielsko-Biała e Wilkowice have supported ASK’s growth and development since 1997 by transforming company ideas and vision into high quality speakers, antennas, cables and an ANM platform.

Given the massive economic expansion in the area, the choice to locate the two factories here was fundamental on a stratigic level.

Our two factories in the cities of Bielsko Biala and Wilkowice are growing rapidly. They presently employ 900 people, giving young talent an interesting and stimulating place to develop professionally.


  • Speaker, antenna and cable production
  • Quality
  • Purchasing
  • Management and Control


  • ISO45001
  • ISO 9001
  • IATF 16949
  • ISO 14001
  • TISAX Label

Tax Strategy in PL Language

ASK Poland Sp. z o.o.

Wyzwolenia 74, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, Poland

Tel: +48 (033) 8120793 - Fax: +48 (033) 8120772

Fiscal code: PL9371821150 - DUNS Number: 366069789

Center for speaker, antenna and cable production and ANM platform

Located in one of the main industrial centers of Silesian Voivodeship, the two factories in Bielsko-Biała e Wilkowice have supported ASK’s growth and development since 1997 by transforming company ideas and vision into high quality speakers, antennas, cables and an ANM platform.

Given the massive economic expansion in the area, the choice to locate the two factories here was fundamental on a stratigic level.

Our two factories in the cities of Bielsko Biala and Wilkowice are growing rapidly. They presently employ 900 people, giving young talent an interesting and stimulating place to develop professionally.


  • Cable production
  • Antenna production


  • ISO 9001
  • IATF 16949
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO45001
  • TISAX Label

ASK Poland Sp. z o.o.

Oddzial w Wilkowicach, Dworkowa 4, 43-365 Wilkowice, Poland

Tel: +48 33 333 95 06

Fiscal code: PL9371821150 - DUNS Number: 439535145

Center for cable production

Recognizing the enormous potential in Tunisia in 2011, ASK decided to open a company there in collaboration with a local partner.

Located in the capital, Tunisi, with 10.000m², its flexibility, guaranteed by completly automomated and manual processes, the geographically stratigic location and a team of more than 1.100 dedicated professionals, ASK Tunisia is proud to offer high level products to their customers.


  • Cable production
  • Quality


  • ISO45001
  • IATF 16949
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 9001

Societé ASK Tunisia

15, rue du bois ZI Ksar Said 2010 Manouba TUNISIE

Tel: + 216 70 662862 - Fax:;+ 216 70 662864

Fiscal code  1178946/G - AM000 - DUNS Number: 362528693

Hub of responsibilities for ASK for the Asian market

Ningbo ASK Automotive Sound and Communication Co.,Ltd. was founded in April, 2006 in Ningbo, one of the oldest cities in China, on the East China Sea with one of the largest ports in China.

ASK Ningbo is ASK’s general heaquarters in the Far East.

After 17 years of continuous development and expansion, ASK Ningbo has become the Group’s production reference point for the for automotive audio products. Engineering autonomy, recognized image of the brand, capilary organization and a rigorous management and control are ASK Ningbo’s strong points.

ASK has bought new buildings for their new Asian-Pacific general headquarters, testifying to the stratigic importance growing in the local automotive market.

Internal and external engineering at the new headquarters is inspired by ASK products, demonstrating the incessant research in excellence, technology innovation, attention to detail and quality as well as the creation of a relaxing, reliable and human-centric atmosphere.


  • Speaker, antenna and cable engineering
  • Product Management
  • Quality
  • Purchasing
  • Management and Control


  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 9001
  • IATF 16949
  • TISAX Label

Ningbo ASK Automotive Sound and Communication Co., Ltd

No.199 Wohushan Road Beilun District Ningbo City, Zhe Jiang Province- China

Tel: +86 0574 86112518

Fiscal code: 330206784349488 - DUNS Number: 545286726

Center for speaker and cable production

In the heart of China, there is a vibrant metropolis called Chongqing, know sugestively as “the City of the Mountains” and “the City of Rivers”. It is a municipality directed by the central government and is a fulcrum of advances industrial manufacturing.

With our rapid a flexibe services, ASK Chongqing has rapidly earned a reputation of excellence in customer service, becoming a business center for local customers.

Founded in 2021, ASK Chongqing is much more than a simple operational facilities. We are, in fact, a stratigic production point for cables and speakers offering a wide range of solutions to satisfy our customers’ needs and guarantee a reliable supply chaine.

Guided by the Group’s vision and the desire to create a young and passionate team, ASK Chongqing is rapidly expanding due to the company’s determination and clear strategy.


  • Speaker and cable engineering
  • Speaker and cable production
  • Sales and Customer Logistics
  • Quality
  • Purchasing
  • Management and Control


  • ISO 14001 (fine 2023)
  • ISO 45001
  • IATF 16949

Chongqing ASK Automotive Electronics co., Ltd

No. 23 Tongda Road, Longxing Yubei District, Chongqing, China

Center for cable and antenna production

Changchun is in northeast China and is the economic fulcrum of northeastern China and a renowned industrial base with a facinating history. The Chineese automotive industry was started here (FAW).

ASK Changchun’s mission is to supply specific products, such as antennas and cables for connectivity guranteeing incomparable quality.

ASK Changchun has rigid quality control, guaranteed by a team specialized in all sector standard conformity proceedures.

Our diversified approach allows us to offer a vast range of products, efficient management with avant-garde operational methods.


  • Antenna and cable production
  • Product Management
  • Quality
  • Sales and Customer Logistics
  • Purchasing
  • Management and Control


  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 45001
  • IATF 16949

Changchun ASK Eletronics Co.,Ltd

No.35,41 Building Changde Industry Park Changchun, Jilin, China

Center for South American market responsibilities

When ASK decided to implement its process of internationalization in 1996, they focused their attention on the South American country with the largest economy.

ASK identified its stagegic location in the center of Brazil near Belo Horizonte.

Besides the strongly strategic location, ASK found a team in the city of Sete Lagoas that completly shared the Group’s mission.

ASK do Brasil has built credibility in the local market by supplying reliable products and solutions and excellent quality.


  • Speaker, antenna and cable engineering
  • Speaker, antenna and cable production
  • Sales and Customer Logistics
  • Quality
  • Purchasing
  • Management and Control


  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 9001
  • IATF 16949


Rua Joao Alves Ferreira, 95, 35702-079 - Sete Lagoas – MG, Brasil

Tel: +55 (31) 2106 3002 - Fax: +55 (31) 2106 3030

Fiscal code: 01.127.876/0001-66 - DUNS Number: 901243063

Center for North American market responsibilities

Founded in 2017 in Motor City, USA, ASK US is north of Detroit, on the shores of Lake Orion, Michigan, not far from the BIG 3 (Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Stellantis).

We work constantly to expand our North American market, constantly persuing excellence.

The nucleus of American operations was founded to further promote ASK’s internationalization.


  • Sales
  • Quality
  • Antenna and cable product management
  • Audio Systems Product Management


180 Engelwood Drive, Suite "H" - Lake Orion, Michigan 48359, USA

Tel: +1 248 7066588

EIN Code: 36-4882109 - DUNS Number: 081214754

Manufacturing plant for North American market

Founded in 2024, ASK Mexico is located in Hermosillo (Sonora) just a short distance from the United States border.

Its strategic position in Mexico allows ASK to be close to its customers in the North American market, ensuring them a short and efficient supply chain.

This production complex has been established with the aim of supporting ASK's constant growth.


  • Production
  • Logistics
  • Quality

ASK Mexico.

Blvd. Antonio Quiroga No. 107-A, Colonia: Vista Bella. CP: 83174 H, City Hermosillo, Sonora State, Mexico.

Tel: +52 662 451 50 62

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